The NEXT Quality professional
I wrote on “Traits of the Newage Software Quality Professional” for an ASQ blog back in 2007. I had
touched upon several aspects that were crucial elements in the evolution of the
Quality role in Software. I felt it was necessary to revisit this since much
water has flown under the bridge since 2007. Technology has changed for good as
predicted by many, businesses are thinking on different paradigms, the world is
a different place altogether and changing rapidly, business models are being re
aligned, economies are under pressure for a while now and no one knows exactly
when we might be back amidst the good old days.
The role of the Quality
professional and the expectations from the role too have undergone significant
changes and while we lead in some of these aspects there are other areas that
we need to speed up on.
The NEXT Quality
professional, as I would like to call one would have to demonstrate an apt
understanding of Business, People, Processes, Technology & Management.
While specialization would always cater to specifics the normal Quality
professional would be required to demonstrate skills and competencies in the 5
categories mentioned above.
Business must necessarily drive
the process and therefore I put this as the first category on the list just to
emphasize the importance of the role business has to play in the entire process
game. Here are the skills and competencies that the NEXT Quality
professional would be required to demonstrate today, to stay in the hunt.
Business drives the process…
There is a great deal of difficulty CxO’s have with the dwindling
understanding of folks down the line on matters of business. It’s crucial to understand
the objectives of the organization you are part of – a B2C organization
would have a different model than a B2B organization, but nevertheless its
objectives need to be understood by the Quality professional. The NEXT Quality
professional will not only understand the objectives of the organization well
but also articulate initiatives to strengthen these and impact these objectives
in a positive manner. For example, if growth is a priority for your
organization you need to focus on highlighting value paradigms, differentiators
to your sales teams more actively than remaining hidden in the backroom
focusing on purely on operations.
Even more important is to understand the business of one of your
organization’s most important stakeholders – Your customer! Understanding
of the clients business would ensure the NEXT Quality professional is
able to guide and provide consultation to the project/account teams with a
clear view of client relevance.
With a clear understanding of the Domain and Operations,
the NEXT Quality professional would be in a position to carry out improvements
in existing processes thereby improving organization efficiency and
effectiveness. Suffice to say some of these initiatives could be
transformational and would need sponsorship from the CxO level leadership.
People First…Always
A large part of the NEXT Quality professionals work would involve interacting
with people across levels in the hierarchy and horizontal roles that cut across
functions and groups. The extent of collaboration required would be of the
highest order and a clear focus on people as a Quality strategy is a must. Collaboration
would largely be a means to achieve greater connect with clients, sales and
delivery teams, enabler functions, vendors etc. to ensure sustained client
value assurance. People connect would ensure the NEXT Quality professional is
able to manage Diverse, multicultural and geographically distributed teams as a
matter of routine.
A related aspect of people connect is the ability to listen,
gather inputs, analyze feedback and plough it back into the processes. The NEXT
Quality professional would be in a position to slice and dice information
associated with inputs, strengthen listening mechanisms with various
stakeholders and use it as a competitive advantage.
Processes, Models &
Frameworks are the building blocks…
A sound foundation of standards, frameworks and models is crucial to
have an understanding of the inner workings of specific and generic
practices that are an essential starting point. This understanding
ensures the NEXT Quality professional is able to use the know how to adequately
tailor and customize processes to deliver the desired value.
The NEXT Quality professional would not only focus on the theoretical
aspects of process definitions as process groups are often involved in, but
would need to usher in a more practical perspective with the right blend of process
steps automated with the right tools. The understanding of best of
breed tools would enable the NEXT Quality professional to bring in true
innovations in the process steps.
Technology at the core…
Technology today is at the center of several innovations and as an
industry we are both involved in creating some of these innovations as well as
leveraging few others for our competitive advantage. The NEXT Quality
professional would not only have adequate understanding of the technology
but would also be able to leverage it to enhance the effectiveness of various
initiatives and programs for larger organization success.
The NEXT Quality professional would use Technology as an Enabler for
driving key decisions and building new process innovations that are centered on
the technology core. Tools and Technology then would work as glue for the
methodology to unleash its impact across a wider base including employees,
clients, vendors etc.
Management – Self as well as
for others…
Management is a core skill for a Quality professional. The NEXT Quality
professional would not only utilize this skill to the fullest extent but would
specialize in certain dimensions that are going to play a vital role in the
larger organization success. The NEXT Quality professional would be a Change
Agent exemplar! Someone who has the ability to conceptualize, plan,
organize and orchestrate large scale improvements across
accounts/projects/businesses. These would encompass initiatives that cut across
domain, technology, process and people.
A significant dimension of Leadership is the ability to not only do
things for you but also help others do things for themselves. This sort of enabling
people in the near environment would mean the NEXT Quality professional
has to involve in large scale trainings and development sessions that would
influence not only the way people work but also the way people think about
concepts, processes and paradigms.
Knowledge being the foundation for the success of the NEXT Quality
professional, Knowledge management would play a vital role in
terms of determining new capabilities, faster better and cheaper ways to
enhance these capabilities and also scale up the ability to do this in a
repeatable manner across large number of people distributed across the globe.
The question to ask today is -
Are you the NEXT quality professional that every organization is seeking to
If yes, you have a wonderful
future ahead of you and it’s filled with opportunities of extreme learning,
experiences in value creation and tasks that enrich yourself as an individual.
If no, you still have time, it’s never too late to prepare for the future.
Remember, if you can’t invent the future, you could at least prepare for what
someone else is going to invent. Think Apple, they did not invent the type face
fonts, mouse, user interface, portable music player, PC etc. they just used
existing innovations better than others.
Let us brace ourselves for the
journey ahead to be the NEXT Quality professional!
©Naresh Choudhary