Sunday, January 11, 2009

Wish you all a Happy New year 2009!

Dear friends,


As I write this email, I reflect upon some of the hits and few miss-hits of 2008. I personally closed the year with an excellence award and recognition from the organization for my team.

The coming year presents new challenges. Challenges that will test each one of us on the professional front and perhaps on the personal front too, challenges that will stretch some of us to the limit.

I feel excited and confident that most of us would overcome these challenges and surpass most expectations. What makes me confident is the faith and trust, commitment and dedication that most of us have known to show, especially in difficult times.


I wish you and your near and dear ones a very happy new year and hope all of us have a fulfilling, energetic and upbeat 2009!


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has" - Margaret Mead


Warm Regards

Naresh Choudhary

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